Node Explorer


Addresse92548e8b91f085246cc32b0711f6712315b9b34 See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Key106de289528378d44d169c1120e593531eb6fd954ff1345998a536615f5e6f01
Staked Tokens15,014.0 POKTs Staked (Initially)
75,550.0 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height55236 (04/01/2022 05:00:43)
Chains0009 (Polygon), 0021 (Ethereum), 0056 (Klaytn Mainnet), A087 (Optimism Sepolia Testnet Archival), 0004 (Binance Smart Chain), 0053 (Optimism Mainnet), 0082 (Scroll Mainnet), 0040 (Harmony Shard 0), A085 (Amoy Testnet Archival ), 0080 (Base TestNet), 0052 (NEAR), 0066 (Arbitrum One), 0079 (Base), A053 (Optimism Archival), 000B (Polygon Archival)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based GeolocationUnited States
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 127841, 127842, 127843, 127844, 127846, 127847, 127848, 127849, 127850, 127851, 127852, 127853, 127854, 127855, 127856, 127857, 127858, 127859, 127860, 127861, 127862, 127863, 127864, 127865, 127866, 127867, 127868, 127869, 127870, 127871, 128320, 128321, 128322, 128323, 128324, 128325, 128326, 128327, 128328, 128329
Jailed Blocks 127845, 127846, 127847, 127848, 127849, 127850, 127851, 127852, 127853, 127854, 127855, 127856, 127857, 127858, 127859, 127860, 127861, 127862, 127863, 127864, 127865, 127866, 127867, 127868, 127869, 127870, 127871