Node Explorer


Addressd8aaf1a9feeba8dd03a7df40dcd580de10769cd8 See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Keydfef77dcf72587a59217758c5ef9fa84cc3189f38c4bdc38bedf13e55727199b
Staked Tokens15,045.123 POKTs Staked (Initially)
15,045.123 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height40288 (10/18/2021 17:10:15)
Chains0001 (Pocket), 0003 (Avalanche), 0004 (Binance Smart Chain), 0005 (Fuse), 0009 (Polygon), 0021 (Ethereum), 0022 (Ethereum Archival), 0027 (Gnosis), 0046 (Evmos), 0049 (Fantom), 0056 (Klaytn Mainnet), 0065 (Celo), 0066 (Arbitrum One), 0071 (Kava), 03DF (DFKChain)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based GeolocationVirginia, United States
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 40927, 40928, 40929, 44490, 44491, 44492, 44493, 44495, 44496, 44497, 44498, 44499, 44500, 44501, 44502, 44503, 44504, 44505, 44506, 44507, 44508, 44509, 44510, 44511, 44512, 44513, 44514, 44515, 44516, 44517, 44518, 44519, 44520, 44521, 44522, 44523, 44524, 44525, 44526, 44527, 44528, 44529, 44530, 44531, 44532, 44533, 44534, 44535, 44536, 44537, 44538, 44539, 44540, 44541, 44542, 44543, 44544, 44545, 44546, 44547, 44548, 44549, 44550, 44551, 44552, 44553, 44554, 44555, 44556, 44557, 44558, 44559, 44560, 44561, 44562, 44563, 44564, 44565, 44566, 44567, 44568, 44569, 44570, 44571, 44572, 44573, 44574, 44575, 44576, 44577, 44578, 44579, 44580, 44581, 44582, 44583, 44584, 44585, 44586, 44587, 44588, 44589, 44590, 44591, 44592, 44593, 44594, 44595, 44596, 44597, 44598, 44599, 44600, 44601, 44602, 44603, 44604, 44605, 44606, 44607, 44608, 44609, 44610, 44611, 44612, 44613, 44614, 44615, 44616, 44617, 44618, 44619, 44620, 44621, 44622, 44623, 44624, 44625, 44626, 44627, 44628, 44629, 44630, 44631
Jailed Blocks 44494, 44495, 44496, 44497, 44498, 44499, 44500, 44501, 44502, 44503, 44504, 44505, 44506, 44507, 44508, 44509, 44510, 44511, 44512, 44513, 44514, 44515, 44516, 44517, 44518, 44519, 44520, 44521, 44522, 44523, 44524, 44525, 44526, 44527, 44528, 44529, 44530, 44531, 44532, 44533, 44534, 44535, 44536, 44537, 44538, 44539, 44540, 44541, 44542, 44543, 44544, 44545, 44546, 44547, 44548, 44549, 44550, 44551, 44552, 44553, 44554, 44555, 44556, 44557, 44558, 44559, 44560, 44561, 44562, 44563, 44564, 44565, 44566, 44567, 44568, 44569, 44570, 44571, 44572, 44573, 44574, 44575, 44576, 44577, 44578, 44579, 44580, 44581, 44582, 44583, 44584, 44585, 44586, 44587, 44588, 44589, 44590, 44591, 44592, 44593, 44594, 44595, 44596, 44597, 44598, 44599, 44600, 44601, 44602, 44603, 44604, 44605, 44606, 44607, 44608, 44609, 44610, 44611, 44612, 44613, 44614, 44615, 44616, 44617, 44618, 44619, 44620, 44621, 44622, 44623, 44624, 44625, 44626, 44627, 44628, 44629, 44630, 44631