Node Explorer


Address9554b4436349c2668f6c238bb10eda2a17d38fd9 See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Key522e27105f964befd0126594a9e85ab486c79fd055b830046dd654c2e736a376
Staked Tokens15,100.0 POKTs Staked (Initially)
85,099.744702 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height65498 (07/19/2022 02:26:00)
Chains0004 (Binance Smart Chain), 0009 (Polygon), 000B (Polygon Archival), 000C (Gnosis Archival), 0021 (Ethereum), 0069 (Oasys Archival), 0074 (Polygon zkEVM), 0076 (Sui), 0079 (Base), 0082 (Scroll Mainnet), A003 (Avalanche Archival), A053 (Optimism Archival), A085 (Amoy Testnet Archival ), A086 (Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet Archival), A0CA (Celestia Archival)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based GeolocationGermany
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 74609, 74610, 74611, 74612, 74613, 74614, 74615, 74616, 74617, 74618, 74619, 74625, 74626, 74627, 74628, 74629, 74640, 74641, 74642, 74643, 74644, 74646, 74647, 74648, 74649, 74650, 100473, 100474, 100475, 100476, 100478, 100479, 100480, 100481, 100482, 100483, 100484, 100485, 100486, 100487, 100488, 100489, 100490, 100491, 100840, 100841, 100842, 100843, 100845, 100846, 100847, 100848, 100849, 100850, 100851, 100852, 100853, 100854, 100855, 100856, 100857, 100858, 100859, 100860, 100861, 100862, 100863, 100864, 100865, 100866, 100867, 100868, 100869, 100870, 100871, 100872, 100873, 100874, 100875, 100876, 100877, 100878, 100879, 100880, 100881, 100882, 100883, 100884, 100888, 100889, 100890, 100891, 100892, 100893, 100895, 100896, 100897, 100898, 100899, 100900, 100901, 100902, 100903, 100904, 100905, 100906, 100907, 100908, 100909, 100910, 100911, 100912, 100913, 100914, 100915, 100916, 100917, 100918, 100919, 100920, 100921, 100922, 100923, 100924, 100925, 100926, 100927, 100928, 100929, 100930, 100931, 100932, 100933, 100934, 100935, 100936, 100937, 100938, 100939, 100940, 100941, 100942, 100943, 100944, 100945, 100946, 100947, 100948, 100949, 100950, 100951, 100952, 100953, 100954, 100955, 100956, 100957, 100958, 100959, 100960, 100961, 100962, 100963, 100964, 100965, 100966, 100967, 100968, 100969, 100970, 100971, 100972, 100973, 100974, 100975, 100976, 100977, 100978, 100979, 100980, 100981, 100982, 100983, 100984, 100985, 100986, 100987, 100988, 100989, 100990, 100991, 100992, 100993, 100994, 100995, 109512, 109513, 109514, 109515, 109517, 109518, 109519, 109520, 109521, 109522, 109523, 109524, 109525, 109526, 109527, 109528, 109529, 109530, 109531, 109532, 109533, 109534, 109535, 109536, 109537, 109538, 109539, 109540, 109541, 109542, 109543, 109544, 109545, 109546, 109547, 109548, 109549, 109550, 109551, 109552, 109553, 109554, 109555, 109556, 111133, 111134, 111135, 111136, 111137, 111138, 111139, 112624, 112625, 112626, 112627, 112629, 112630, 112631, 112632, 112633, 112634, 112635, 112636, 112637, 112638, 112639, 112640, 112641, 112642, 112643, 120872, 120873, 120874, 120875, 125068, 125069, 125070, 125071, 125072, 125073, 125075, 125076, 125077, 125078, 125079, 125080, 125081, 125082, 125083, 125084, 125085, 125086, 125087, 125088
Jailed Blocks 74645, 74646, 74647, 74648, 74649, 74650, 100477, 100478, 100479, 100480, 100481, 100482, 100483, 100484, 100485, 100486, 100487, 100488, 100489, 100490, 100491, 100492, 100493, 100494, 100495, 100496, 100497, 100498, 100499, 100500, 100501, 100502, 100503, 100504, 100505, 100506, 100507, 100508, 100509, 100844, 100845, 100846, 100847, 100848, 100849, 100850, 100851, 100852, 100853, 100854, 100855, 100856, 100857, 100858, 100859, 100860, 100861, 100862, 100863, 100864, 100865, 100866, 100867, 100868, 100869, 100870, 100871, 100872, 100873, 100874, 100875, 100876, 100877, 100878, 100879, 100880, 100881, 100882, 100883, 100884, 100894, 100895, 100896, 100897, 100898, 100899, 100900, 100901, 100902, 100903, 100904, 100905, 100906, 100907, 100908, 100909, 100910, 100911, 100912, 100913, 100914, 100915, 100916, 100917, 100918, 100919, 100920, 100921, 100922, 100923, 100924, 100925, 100926, 100927, 100928, 100929, 100930, 100931, 100932, 100933, 100934, 100935, 100936, 100937, 100938, 100939, 100940, 100941, 100942, 100943, 100944, 100945, 100946, 100947, 100948, 100949, 100950, 100951, 100952, 100953, 100954, 100955, 100956, 100957, 100958, 100959, 100960, 100961, 100962, 100963, 100964, 100965, 100966, 100967, 100968, 100969, 100970, 100971, 100972, 100973, 100974, 100975, 100976, 100977, 100978, 100979, 100980, 100981, 100982, 100983, 100984, 100985, 100986, 100987, 100988, 100989, 100990, 100991, 100992, 100993, 100994, 100995, 109516, 109517, 109518, 109519, 109520, 109521, 109522, 109523, 109524, 109525, 109526, 109527, 109528, 109529, 109530, 109531, 109532, 109533, 109534, 109535, 109536, 109537, 109538, 109539, 109540, 109541, 109542, 109543, 109544, 109545, 109546, 109547, 109548, 109549, 109550, 109551, 109552, 109553, 109554, 109555, 109556, 112628, 112629, 112630, 112631, 112632, 112633, 112634, 112635, 112636, 112637, 112638, 112639, 112640, 112641, 112642, 112643, 120876, 120877, 120878, 120879, 120880, 125074, 125075, 125076, 125077, 125078, 125079, 125080, 125081, 125082, 125083, 125084, 125085, 125086, 125087, 125088