Node Explorer


Address6ff1114a03bab37dfcd3fd4b63c3e5fa24cb484e See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Key62777a327b95c2498818b3f2b42f4a3fe568daa6d1f95f41edbd783b8ee379df
Staked Tokens15,099.0 POKTs Staked (Initially)
76,899.886245 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height52694 (03/05/2022 06:13:32)
ChainsC006 (Solana Custom), 0009 (Polygon), 0021 (Ethereum), 0079 (Base), A086 (Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet Archival), 0081 (Ethereum Holešky Archive), 0004 (Binance Smart Chain), 000B (Polygon Archival), 0074 (Polygon zkEVM), A053 (Optimism Archival), 0077 (Ethereum Sepolia), 0054 (Osmosis), 0080 (Base TestNet), 0006 (Solana), 0001 (Pocket)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based GeolocationUnited States
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 69228, 69229, 70505, 70506, 70507, 70508, 70510, 70511, 70512, 70513, 70514, 70515, 70516, 70517, 70518, 70519, 70520, 70539, 70540, 70541, 70542, 70543, 70545, 70546, 70547, 70548, 70549, 70550, 70551, 70552, 70553, 70554, 70555, 70556, 70557, 70558, 70559, 70560, 70561, 70562, 70563, 70578, 70579, 70580, 70581, 70582, 70583, 70585, 70586, 70587, 70588, 70589, 70590, 70591, 70592, 70593, 70594, 70595, 70596, 70597, 70598, 70599, 70600, 70601, 70602, 70603, 70604, 70605, 70606, 70607, 70608, 70609, 70610, 70611, 70612, 70613, 70614, 70615, 70616, 70617, 70618, 70619, 70620, 70621, 70622, 70623, 70624, 70625, 70626, 70627, 70628, 70629, 70630, 70631, 70632, 70633, 70634, 70635, 70636, 70637, 70638, 70639, 70640, 70641, 70642, 70643, 70644, 70645, 70646, 70647, 70648, 70649, 70650, 70651, 70652, 70653, 70654, 70655, 70656, 70657, 70658, 70659, 70660, 70661, 70662, 70663, 70664, 70665, 70666, 70667, 70668, 70669, 70670, 70671, 70672, 70673, 70674, 70675, 70676, 70677, 70678, 70679, 70680, 70681, 70682, 70683, 70684, 70685, 70686, 70687, 70688, 70689, 70690, 70691, 70692, 70693, 70694, 70695, 70696, 70697, 70698, 70699, 70700, 70701, 70702, 70703, 70704, 70705, 70706, 70707, 70708, 70709, 70710, 70711, 70712, 70713, 70714, 70715, 70716, 70717, 70718, 73524, 73525, 73526, 73527, 73529, 73530, 73531, 73532, 73533, 73534, 73535, 73536, 73537, 73538, 73539, 73540, 73541, 73542, 73543, 73544, 73545, 73546, 73547, 73548, 73549, 73550, 73551, 73552, 73553, 73554, 73555, 73556, 73557, 73558, 73559, 73560, 73561, 73562, 73563, 73564, 73565, 73566, 73567, 73568, 73569, 73570, 73571, 73572, 73573, 73574, 73578, 73579, 73580, 73581, 73582, 73583, 73584, 73585, 73586, 73587, 73588, 73589, 100840, 100841, 100842, 100843, 100845, 100846, 100847, 100848, 100849, 100850, 100851, 100852, 100853, 100854, 100855, 100856, 100857, 100858, 100859, 100860, 100861, 100862, 100863, 100864, 100865, 100866, 100867, 100868, 100869, 100870, 100871, 100872, 100873, 100874, 100875, 100876, 100877, 100878, 100879, 100880, 100881, 100882, 100883, 100884, 100885, 100886, 100887, 100888, 100889, 100890, 100891, 100892, 100893, 100894, 100895, 100896, 110889, 110890, 110891, 110892, 110893, 110895, 110896, 110897, 110898, 110899, 110900, 110901, 110902, 110903, 110904, 110905, 110906, 110907, 110908, 110909, 110910, 110911, 110912, 110913, 110914, 110915, 110916, 110917, 110918, 110919, 110920, 110921, 110922, 110923, 110924, 110925, 110926, 110927, 110928, 110929, 115728, 115729, 115730, 115731, 115732, 115733, 115735, 115736, 115737, 115738, 115739, 115740, 115741, 115742, 115743, 115744
Jailed Blocks 70509, 70510, 70511, 70512, 70513, 70514, 70515, 70516, 70517, 70518, 70519, 70520, 70544, 70545, 70546, 70547, 70548, 70549, 70550, 70551, 70552, 70553, 70554, 70555, 70556, 70557, 70558, 70559, 70560, 70561, 70562, 70563, 70584, 70585, 70586, 70587, 70588, 70589, 70590, 70591, 70592, 70593, 70594, 70595, 70596, 70597, 70598, 70599, 70600, 70601, 70602, 70603, 70604, 70605, 70606, 70607, 70608, 70609, 70610, 70611, 70612, 70613, 70614, 70615, 70616, 70617, 70618, 70619, 70620, 70621, 70622, 70623, 70624, 70625, 70626, 70627, 70628, 70629, 70630, 70631, 70632, 70633, 70634, 70635, 70636, 70637, 70638, 70639, 70640, 70641, 70642, 70643, 70644, 70645, 70646, 70647, 70648, 70649, 70650, 70651, 70652, 70653, 70654, 70655, 70656, 70657, 70658, 70659, 70660, 70661, 70662, 70663, 70664, 70665, 70666, 70667, 70668, 70669, 70670, 70671, 70672, 70673, 70674, 70675, 70676, 70677, 70678, 70679, 70680, 70681, 70682, 70683, 70684, 70685, 70686, 70687, 70688, 70689, 70690, 70691, 70692, 70693, 70694, 70695, 70696, 70697, 70698, 70699, 70700, 70701, 70702, 70703, 70704, 70705, 70706, 70707, 70708, 70709, 70710, 70711, 70712, 70713, 70714, 70715, 70716, 70717, 70718, 73528, 73529, 73530, 73531, 73532, 73533, 73534, 73535, 73536, 73537, 73538, 73539, 73540, 73541, 73542, 73543, 73544, 73545, 73546, 73547, 73548, 73549, 73550, 73551, 73552, 73553, 73554, 73555, 73556, 73557, 73558, 73559, 73560, 73561, 73562, 73563, 73564, 73565, 73566, 73567, 73568, 73569, 73570, 73571, 73572, 73573, 73574, 100844, 100845, 100846, 100847, 100848, 100849, 100850, 100851, 100852, 100853, 100854, 100855, 100856, 100857, 100858, 100859, 100860, 100861, 100862, 100863, 100864, 100865, 100866, 100867, 100868, 100869, 100870, 100871, 100872, 100873, 100874, 100875, 100876, 100877, 100878, 100879, 100880, 100881, 100882, 100883, 100884, 100885, 100886, 100887, 100888, 100889, 100890, 100891, 100892, 100893, 100894, 100895, 100896, 110894, 110895, 110896, 110897, 110898, 110899, 110900, 110901, 110902, 110903, 110904, 110905, 110906, 110907, 110908, 110909, 110910, 110911, 110912, 110913, 110914, 110915, 110916, 110917, 110918, 110919, 110920, 110921, 110922, 110923, 110924, 110925, 110926, 110927, 110928, 110929, 115734, 115735, 115736, 115737, 115738, 115739, 115740, 115741, 115742, 115743, 115744