Node Explorer


Address6132dd812311bc237af960db47309aa34bf030fa See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Key14614d235c500ca5b13a83d9f1dcee09d3455b0af861969228c9e91b3d6b567a
Staked Tokens80,000.0 POKTs Staked (Initially)
80,000.0 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height75812 (11/08/2022 19:46:48)
Chains0004 (Binance Smart Chain), 0009 (Polygon), 0010 (Binance Smart Chain Archival), 0021 (Ethereum), 0022 (Ethereum Archival), 0040 (Harmony Shard 0), 0066 (Arbitrum One), 0074 (Polygon zkEVM), 0079 (Base), 0082 (Scroll Mainnet), 000B (Polygon Archival), A053 (Optimism Archival), A085 (Amoy Testnet Archival ), A087 (Optimism Sepolia Testnet Archival), A088 (Fraxtal Archival)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based Geolocation
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 75815, 75816, 75817, 75818, 75820, 75821, 75822, 75823, 75824, 75825, 75826, 75827, 75828, 75829, 75830, 75831, 75832, 75833, 75834, 75835, 75836, 75837, 75838, 75839, 75840, 75841, 75842, 75843, 75844, 75845, 75846, 75847, 75848, 75849, 75850, 75851, 75852, 75853, 75854, 75855, 75856, 75857, 75858, 75859, 75860, 75861, 75862, 75863, 75864, 75865, 75866, 75867, 75868, 75869, 75870, 75871, 75872, 75873, 75874, 75875, 75876, 75877, 75878, 75879, 75880, 83671, 83672, 83673, 83674, 83675, 83676, 83677, 83678, 83679, 83699, 83899, 83900, 83901, 83902, 83903, 83904, 83905, 83906, 83907, 83908, 83909, 84022, 84023, 84024, 84025, 84026, 84027, 84028, 84029, 85465, 85466, 85467, 85468, 85469, 85471, 85472, 85473, 85474, 85475, 85476, 85477, 85478, 85479, 85480, 85481, 85482, 85483, 85484, 85485, 85486, 85487, 85488, 85489, 85571, 85572, 85573, 85574, 85575, 85576, 85577, 85578, 85579, 85590, 85591, 85592, 85593, 85594, 85595, 85596, 85597, 85598, 85599, 85600, 85601, 85602, 85603, 85604, 85605, 85606, 85607, 85608, 85609, 88645, 88646, 88647, 88648, 88649, 101039, 101040, 101041, 101042, 101043, 101044, 101045, 101046, 101047, 101048, 101049, 101491, 101492, 101493, 101494, 101495, 101496, 101497, 101498, 101499, 102697, 102698, 102699, 102700, 102701, 102702, 102703, 102705, 102706, 102707, 102708, 102709, 102710, 102711, 102712, 102713, 102714, 102715, 102716, 102717, 102718, 102719, 102720, 102721, 102722, 102723, 102724, 102725, 102726, 102727, 102728, 102729, 102730, 102731, 102732, 102733, 102734, 102738, 102739, 102740, 102741, 102742, 102743, 102745, 102746, 102747, 102748, 102749, 102750, 102751, 102752, 102753, 102754, 102755, 102756, 102757, 102758, 102759, 102760, 102761, 102762, 102763, 102764, 102765, 102766, 102767, 102768, 102769, 102770, 102771, 102772, 120388, 120389, 127838, 127839, 127840, 127841, 127842, 127843, 127844, 127845, 127846, 127847, 127848, 127849
Jailed Blocks 75819, 75820, 75821, 75822, 75823, 75824, 75825, 75826, 75827, 75828, 75829, 75830, 75831, 75832, 75833, 75834, 75835, 75836, 75837, 75838, 75839, 75840, 75841, 75842, 75843, 75844, 75845, 75846, 75847, 75848, 75849, 75850, 75851, 75852, 75853, 75854, 75855, 75856, 75857, 75858, 75859, 75860, 75861, 75862, 75863, 75864, 75865, 75866, 75867, 75868, 75869, 75870, 75871, 75872, 75873, 75874, 75875, 75876, 75877, 75878, 75879, 75880, 102704, 102705, 102706, 102707, 102708, 102709, 102710, 102711, 102712, 102713, 102714, 102715, 102716, 102717, 102718, 102719, 102720, 102721, 102722, 102723, 102724, 102725, 102726, 102727, 102728, 102729, 102730, 102731, 102732, 102733, 102734, 102744, 102745, 102746, 102747, 102748, 102749, 102750, 102751, 102752, 102753, 102754, 102755, 102756, 102757, 102758, 102759, 102760, 102761, 102762, 102763, 102764, 102765, 102766, 102767, 102768, 102769, 102770, 102771, 102772