Node Explorer


Address5254f5aa013d9e417933dd5d37808ede56be4c6a See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Key56fbb8260ad9ac1f6cbab82345383edaafc0eeba07d58d848006bc26e0ba01df
Staked Tokens15,099.700000 POKTs Staked (Initially)
62,010.213 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height55111 (03/30/2022 20:42:33)
ChainsC006 (Solana Custom), 0009 (Polygon), 0021 (Ethereum), 0001 (Pocket), 0079 (Base), 0004 (Binance Smart Chain), 0081 (Ethereum Holešky Archive), A086 (Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet Archival), 0074 (Polygon zkEVM), A053 (Optimism Archival), 0080 (Base TestNet), 0070 (Oasys), 0053 (Optimism Mainnet), A003 (Avalanche Archival), 0006 (Solana)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based GeolocationUnited States
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 70505, 70506, 70507, 70508, 70510, 70511, 70512, 70513, 70514, 70515, 70516, 70517, 70518, 70519, 70520, 70539, 70540, 70541, 70542, 70543, 70545, 70546, 70547, 70548, 70549, 70550, 70551, 70552, 70553, 70554, 70555, 70556, 70557, 70558, 70559, 70560, 70561, 70562, 70563, 70578, 70579, 70580, 70581, 70582, 70583, 70585, 70586, 70587, 70588, 70589, 70590, 70591, 70592, 70593, 70594, 70595, 70596, 70597, 70598, 70599, 70600, 70601, 70602, 70603, 70604, 70605, 70606, 70607, 70608, 70609, 70610, 70611, 70612, 70613, 70614, 70615, 70616, 70617, 70618, 70619, 70620, 70621, 70622, 70623, 70624, 70625, 70626, 70627, 70628, 70629, 70630, 70631, 70632, 70633, 70634, 70635, 70636, 70637, 70638, 70639, 70640, 70641, 70642, 70643, 70644, 70645, 70646, 70647, 70648, 70649, 70650, 70651, 70652, 70653, 70654, 70655, 70656, 70657, 70658, 70659, 70660, 70661, 70662, 70663, 70664, 70665, 70666, 70667, 70668, 70669, 70670, 70671, 70672, 70673, 70674, 70675, 70676, 70677, 70678, 70679, 70680, 70681, 70682, 70683, 70684, 70685, 70686, 70687, 70688, 70689, 70690, 70691, 70692, 70693, 70694, 70695, 70696, 70697, 70698, 70699, 70700, 70701, 70702, 70703, 70704, 70705, 70706, 70707, 70708, 70709, 70710, 70711, 70712, 70713, 70714, 70715, 70716, 70717, 70718, 70719, 70720, 70721, 70722, 70723, 70724, 70725, 70726, 70727, 70728, 70729, 70730, 70731, 70732, 70733, 70734, 70735, 70736, 70737, 70738, 70739, 70740, 70741, 70742, 70743, 70744, 70745, 70746, 70747, 70748, 70749, 70750, 70751, 70752, 70753, 70754, 70755, 70756, 70757, 70758, 70759, 70998, 70999, 71000, 71001, 71002, 71003, 71004, 71005, 71006, 71007, 71008, 71009, 71552, 71553, 71554, 71555, 71556, 71557, 71558, 71559, 74630, 74631, 74633, 74634, 74635, 74636, 74637, 74638, 74639, 74632
Jailed Blocks 70509, 70510, 70511, 70512, 70513, 70514, 70515, 70516, 70517, 70518, 70519, 70520, 70544, 70545, 70546, 70547, 70548, 70549, 70550, 70551, 70552, 70553, 70554, 70555, 70556, 70557, 70558, 70559, 70560, 70561, 70562, 70563, 70584, 70585, 70586, 70587, 70588, 70589, 70590, 70591, 70592, 70593, 70594, 70595, 70596, 70597, 70598, 70599, 70600, 70601, 70602, 70603, 70604, 70605, 70606, 70607, 70608, 70609, 70610, 70611, 70612, 70613, 70614, 70615, 70616, 70617, 70618, 70619, 70620, 70621, 70622, 70623, 70624, 70625, 70626, 70627, 70628, 70629, 70630, 70631, 70632, 70633, 70634, 70635, 70636, 70637, 70638, 70639, 70640, 70641, 70642, 70643, 70644, 70645, 70646, 70647, 70648, 70649, 70650, 70651, 70652, 70653, 70654, 70655, 70656, 70657, 70658, 70659, 70660, 70661, 70662, 70663, 70664, 70665, 70666, 70667, 70668, 70669, 70670, 70671, 70672, 70673, 70674, 70675, 70676, 70677, 70678, 70679, 70680, 70681, 70682, 70683, 70684, 70685, 70686, 70687, 70688, 70689, 70690, 70691, 70692, 70693, 70694, 70695, 70696, 70697, 70698, 70699, 70700, 70701, 70702, 70703, 70704, 70705, 70706, 70707, 70708, 70709, 70710, 70711, 70712, 70713, 70714, 70715, 70716, 70717, 70718, 70719, 70720, 70721, 70722, 70723, 70724, 70725, 70726, 70727, 70728, 70729, 70730, 70731, 70732, 70733, 70734, 70735, 70736, 70737, 70738, 70739, 70740, 70741, 70742, 70743, 70744, 70745, 70746, 70747, 70748, 70749, 70750, 70751, 70752, 70753, 70754, 70755, 70756, 70757, 70758, 70759