Node Explorer


Address229de02fb707df3d3d9f775433b13ab1eab284f6 See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Key54e67cd075a3f4366d285d22a0e798035393042a77d10aac9aa357f962e2ceb5
Staked Tokens75,100.0 POKTs Staked (Initially)
75,100.0 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height111951 (11/01/2023 19:37:17)
Chains0004 (Binance Smart Chain), 0009 (Polygon), 0021 (Ethereum), 0053 (Optimism Mainnet), 0056 (Klaytn Mainnet), 0065 (Celo), 0066 (Arbitrum One), 0079 (Base)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based Geolocation
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 115785, 115786, 115787, 115788, 115789, 115945, 115946, 115947, 115948, 115950, 115951, 115952, 115953, 115954, 115955, 115956, 115957, 115958, 115962, 115963, 115964, 115965, 115967, 115968, 115969, 115970, 115971, 115972, 115973, 115974, 115975, 115976, 115977, 115978, 115979, 115980, 115981, 115982, 115983, 115984, 115985, 115986, 115987, 115988, 115989, 115990, 115991, 115992, 115993, 115994, 115995, 115996, 115997, 115998, 115999, 116000, 116001, 116002, 116003, 116004, 116005, 116006, 116007, 116008, 116009, 116010, 116011, 116012, 116013, 116014, 116015, 116016, 116017, 116018, 116019, 116020, 116021, 116022, 116023, 116024, 116025, 116026, 116027, 116028, 116029, 116030, 116031, 116032, 116033, 116034, 116035, 116036, 116037, 116038, 116039, 116040, 116041, 120654, 120655, 120656, 120657, 120658, 120659, 120928, 120929, 121737, 121738, 121739, 140292, 140293, 140294, 140295, 140296, 140297, 140298, 140299, 140456, 140457, 140458, 140459, 140460, 140461, 140462, 140463, 140465, 140466, 140467, 140468, 140469, 140470, 140471, 140472, 140473, 140474, 140475, 140476, 140477, 140478, 140479, 140480, 140481, 140482, 140483, 140484, 140485, 140486, 140487, 140488, 140489, 140490, 140491, 140492, 140493, 140494, 140495, 140496, 140497, 140498, 140499, 140500, 140501, 140502, 140503, 140504, 140505, 140506, 140507, 140508, 140509, 140510, 140511, 140512, 140513, 140514, 140515, 140516, 140517, 140518, 140519, 140520, 140521, 140522, 140523, 140524, 140525, 140526, 140527, 140528, 140529, 140530, 140531, 140532, 140533, 140534, 140535, 140536, 140537, 140538, 140539, 140540, 140541, 140542, 140543, 140544, 140545, 140546, 140547, 140548, 140549, 140550, 140551, 140552, 140553, 140554, 140555, 140556, 140557, 140558
Jailed Blocks 115949, 115950, 115951, 115952, 115953, 115954, 115955, 115956, 115957, 115958, 115966, 115967, 115968, 115969, 115970, 115971, 115972, 115973, 115974, 115975, 115976, 115977, 115978, 115979, 115980, 115981, 115982, 115983, 115984, 115985, 115986, 115987, 115988, 115989, 115990, 115991, 115992, 115993, 115994, 115995, 115996, 115997, 115998, 115999, 116000, 116001, 116002, 116003, 116004, 116005, 116006, 116007, 116008, 116009, 116010, 116011, 116012, 116013, 116014, 116015, 116016, 116017, 116018, 116019, 116020, 116021, 116022, 116023, 116024, 116025, 116026, 116027, 116028, 116029, 116030, 116031, 116032, 116033, 116034, 116035, 116036, 116037, 116038, 116039, 116040, 116041, 140464, 140465, 140466, 140467, 140468, 140469, 140470, 140471, 140472, 140473, 140474, 140475, 140476, 140477, 140478, 140479, 140480, 140481, 140482, 140483, 140484, 140485, 140486, 140487, 140488, 140489, 140490, 140491, 140492, 140493, 140494, 140495, 140496, 140497, 140498, 140499, 140500, 140501, 140502, 140503, 140504, 140505, 140506, 140507, 140508, 140509, 140510, 140511, 140512, 140513, 140514, 140515, 140516, 140517, 140518, 140519, 140520, 140521, 140522, 140523, 140524, 140525, 140526, 140527, 140528, 140529, 140530, 140531, 140532, 140533, 140534, 140535, 140536, 140537, 140538, 140539, 140540, 140541, 140542, 140543, 140544, 140545, 140546, 140547, 140548, 140549, 140550, 140551, 140552, 140553, 140554, 140555, 140556, 140557, 140558