Node Explorer


Address1bc674ee24f1d61fab179490dee90ac26deb923e See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Key702210c93f31e4a57c5fa3ba3ec63f181af45110ab9d742851617d7aba15d4d9
Staked Tokens73,006.0 POKTs Staked (Initially)
80,113.759660 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height88921 (03/18/2023 12:19:55)
Chains0004 (Binance Smart Chain), 0009 (Polygon), 000B (Polygon Archival), 000C (Gnosis Archival), 0021 (Ethereum), 0069 (Oasys Archival), 0074 (Polygon zkEVM), 0076 (Sui), 0079 (Base), 0082 (Scroll Mainnet), A003 (Avalanche Archival), A053 (Optimism Archival), A085 (Amoy Testnet Archival ), A086 (Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet Archival), A0CA (Celestia Archival)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based Geolocation
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 89142, 89143, 89144, 89145, 89147, 89148, 89149, 89150, 89151, 89157, 89158, 89159, 100473, 100474, 100475, 100476, 100478, 100479, 100480, 100481, 100482, 100483, 100484, 100485, 100486, 100487, 100488, 100489, 100825, 100826, 100827, 100828, 100830, 100831, 100832, 100833, 100834, 100840, 100841, 100842, 100843, 100844, 100845, 100846, 100847, 100848, 100849, 100864, 100865, 100866, 100867, 100869, 100870, 100871, 100872, 101801, 101802, 101803, 101804, 101806, 101807, 101808, 101809, 101810, 101811, 101812, 101813, 101814, 101815, 101816, 101817, 101818, 101819, 101820, 101821, 101822, 101823, 101824, 101825, 101826, 101827, 101828, 101829, 101830, 101831, 101832, 101833, 101834, 101835, 101836, 101837, 101838, 101839, 101840, 101841, 101842, 101851, 101852, 101853, 101854, 101856, 101857, 101858, 101859, 101860, 101861, 101862, 101863, 101864, 101865, 101866, 101867, 101868, 101869, 101870, 101871, 101872, 101873, 101874, 101875, 101876, 101877, 101878, 101879, 101880, 101881, 101885, 101886, 101887, 101888, 101889, 109512, 109513, 109514, 109515, 109517, 109518, 109519, 109520, 109521, 109522, 109523, 109524, 109525, 109526, 109527, 109528, 109529, 109530, 109531, 109532, 109533, 109534, 109535, 109536, 109537, 109538, 109539, 109540, 109541, 109542, 109543, 109544, 109545, 109546, 109547, 109548, 109549, 109550, 109551, 109552, 109553, 109554, 109555, 109556, 111133, 111134, 111135, 111136, 111137, 111138, 111139, 112624, 112625, 112626, 112627, 112629, 112630, 112631, 112632, 112633, 112634, 112635, 112636, 112637, 112638, 112639, 112640, 112641, 112642, 112643, 120872, 120873, 120874, 120875, 125068, 125069, 125070, 125071, 125072, 125073, 125075, 125076, 125077, 125078, 125079, 125080, 125081, 125082, 125083, 125084, 125085, 125086, 125087, 125088
Jailed Blocks 89146, 89147, 89148, 89149, 89150, 89151, 100477, 100478, 100479, 100480, 100481, 100482, 100483, 100484, 100485, 100486, 100487, 100488, 100489, 100829, 100830, 100831, 100832, 100833, 100834, 100868, 100869, 100870, 100871, 100872, 101805, 101806, 101807, 101808, 101809, 101810, 101811, 101812, 101813, 101814, 101815, 101816, 101817, 101818, 101819, 101820, 101821, 101822, 101823, 101824, 101825, 101826, 101827, 101828, 101829, 101830, 101831, 101832, 101833, 101834, 101835, 101836, 101837, 101838, 101839, 101840, 101841, 101842, 101843, 101844, 101845, 101846, 101847, 101855, 101856, 101857, 101858, 101859, 101860, 101861, 101862, 101863, 101864, 101865, 101866, 101867, 101868, 101869, 101870, 101871, 101872, 101873, 101874, 101875, 101876, 101877, 101878, 101879, 101880, 101881, 109516, 109517, 109518, 109519, 109520, 109521, 109522, 109523, 109524, 109525, 109526, 109527, 109528, 109529, 109530, 109531, 109532, 109533, 109534, 109535, 109536, 109537, 109538, 109539, 109540, 109541, 109542, 109543, 109544, 109545, 109546, 109547, 109548, 109549, 109550, 109551, 109552, 109553, 109554, 109555, 109556, 112628, 112629, 112630, 112631, 112632, 112633, 112634, 112635, 112636, 112637, 112638, 112639, 112640, 112641, 112642, 112643, 120876, 120877, 120878, 120879, 120880, 125074, 125075, 125076, 125077, 125078, 125079, 125080, 125081, 125082, 125083, 125084, 125085, 125086, 125087, 125088