Node Explorer


Address1004ae89ea199c6c464a66ffec0a8783700dc4dc See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Key3a5edc446172209e6dfe5aaa477cb0905d6d7916c0cd0f415d9542727c6bd001
Staked Tokens76,200.0 POKTs Staked (Initially)
151,599.848400 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height113206 (11/14/2023 06:04:04)
Chains0058 (Metis), 0021 (Ethereum), 0005 (Fuse), 0003 (Avalanche), 0040 (Harmony Shard 0), 0076 (Sui), 0009 (Polygon), 0004 (Binance Smart Chain), A001 (Pocket Archival), 0074 (Polygon zkEVM), C006 (Solana Custom), 0065 (Celo), 03DF (DFKChain), 0079 (Base), 000C (Gnosis Archival)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based Geolocation
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 117977, 117978, 117979, 117981, 117982, 117983, 117984, 117985, 117986, 117987, 117988, 117989, 118021, 118022, 118023, 118024, 118025, 118026, 118027, 118028, 118029, 118030, 118031, 118032, 118033, 118034, 118035, 118036, 118037, 118038, 118039, 118063, 118064, 118065, 118066, 118067, 118068, 118069, 124355, 124356, 124357, 124358, 124360, 124361, 124362, 124363, 124364, 124365, 124366, 124367, 124368, 124369, 124370, 124371, 124372, 124373, 124374, 124375, 124376, 124377, 124378, 124379, 124380, 124381, 124382, 124383, 124384, 124385, 124386, 124387, 124388, 124389, 124390, 124391, 124392, 124393, 124394, 124395, 124396, 124397, 124398, 124399, 124400, 124401, 124402, 124403, 124404, 124405, 124406, 124407, 124408, 124409, 124410, 124411, 124412, 124413, 124414, 124415, 124419, 124420, 124421, 124422, 124423, 124425, 124426, 124427, 124428, 124429, 124430, 124434, 124435, 124436, 124437, 124439, 124440, 124441, 124442, 124443, 124444, 124445, 124446, 124447, 124448, 124449, 124450, 124451, 124452, 124453, 124454, 124455, 124456, 124457, 124458, 124459, 124460, 124461, 124462, 124463, 124464, 124465, 124466, 124467, 124468, 124469, 124470, 124471, 124472, 124473, 129344, 129345, 129346, 129347, 129348, 129349
Jailed Blocks 124359, 124360, 124361, 124362, 124363, 124364, 124365, 124366, 124367, 124368, 124369, 124370, 124371, 124372, 124373, 124374, 124375, 124376, 124377, 124378, 124379, 124380, 124381, 124382, 124383, 124384, 124385, 124386, 124387, 124388, 124389, 124390, 124391, 124392, 124393, 124394, 124395, 124396, 124397, 124398, 124399, 124400, 124401, 124402, 124403, 124404, 124405, 124406, 124407, 124408, 124409, 124410, 124411, 124412, 124413, 124414, 124415, 124424, 124425, 124426, 124427, 124428, 124429, 124430, 124438, 124439, 124440, 124441, 124442, 124443, 124444, 124445, 124446, 124447, 124448, 124449, 124450, 124451, 124452, 124453, 124454, 124455, 124456, 124457, 124458, 124459, 124460, 124461, 124462, 124463, 124464, 124465, 124466, 124467, 124468, 124469, 124470, 124471, 124472, 124473