Node Explorer


Address01e7ade5b529fa907a5ecdf8d864d8b674d6eff1 See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Keyb14330d4235bd2c8dcaaf06d97fef5a375f79adc832e097f8cb272a981ca6014
Staked Tokens15,140.0 POKTs Staked (Initially)
100,500.0 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height60312 (05/25/2022 07:38:22)
Chains0058 (Metis), 0021 (Ethereum), 0005 (Fuse), 0003 (Avalanche), 0040 (Harmony Shard 0), 0076 (Sui), 0009 (Polygon), 0004 (Binance Smart Chain), A001 (Pocket Archival), 0074 (Polygon zkEVM), C006 (Solana Custom), 0065 (Celo), 03DF (DFKChain), 0079 (Base), 000C (Gnosis Archival)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based GeolocationCalifornia, United States
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 90480, 90481, 90482, 90483, 90484, 90485, 90486, 90487, 90488, 90489, 90705, 90706, 90707, 90708, 90710, 90711, 90712, 90713, 90714, 90715, 90716, 90717, 90718, 90719, 90720, 90721, 90722, 90723, 90724, 90725, 90726, 90727, 90728, 90729, 90730, 90731, 90732, 90733, 90734, 90735, 90736, 90737, 90738, 90739, 90740, 90741, 96594, 96595, 96596, 96597, 96599, 96600, 96601, 96602, 96603, 96604, 96605, 96606, 96607, 96608, 96609, 96610, 96611, 96612, 96613, 96614, 96615, 96616, 96617, 96618, 96619, 96620, 96621, 96622, 101497, 101498, 101499, 117977, 117978, 117979, 117981, 117982, 117983, 117984, 117985, 117986, 117987, 117988, 117989, 118021, 118022, 118023, 118024, 118030, 118031, 118032, 118033, 118034, 118035, 118036, 118037, 118038, 118039, 118063, 118064, 118065, 118066, 118067, 118068, 118069, 124355, 124356, 124357, 124358, 124360, 124361, 124362, 124363, 124364, 124365, 124366, 124367, 124368, 124369, 124370, 124371, 124372, 124373, 124374, 124375, 124376, 124377, 124378, 124379, 124380, 124381, 124382, 124383, 124384, 124385, 124386, 124387, 124388, 124389, 124390, 124391, 124392, 124393, 124394, 124395, 124396, 124397, 124398, 124399, 124400, 124401, 124402, 124403, 124404, 124405, 124406, 124407, 124408, 124409, 124410, 124411, 124412, 124413, 124414, 124415, 124416, 124417, 124418, 124419, 124420, 124421, 124422, 124423, 124424, 124425, 124426, 124427, 124428, 124429, 124430, 124434, 124435, 124436, 124437, 124439, 124440, 124441, 124442, 124443, 124444, 124445, 124446, 124447, 124448, 124449, 124450, 124451, 124452, 124453, 124454, 124455, 124456, 124457, 124458, 124459, 124460, 124461, 124462, 124463, 124464, 124465, 124466, 124467, 124468, 124469, 124470, 124471, 124472, 124473
Jailed Blocks 90709, 90710, 90711, 90712, 90713, 90714, 90715, 90716, 90717, 90718, 90719, 90720, 90721, 90722, 90723, 90724, 90725, 90726, 90727, 90728, 90729, 90730, 90731, 90732, 90733, 90734, 90735, 90736, 90737, 90738, 90739, 90740, 90741, 96598, 96599, 96600, 96601, 96602, 96603, 96604, 96605, 96606, 96607, 96608, 96609, 96610, 96611, 96612, 96613, 96614, 96615, 96616, 96617, 96618, 96619, 96620, 96621, 96622, 124359, 124360, 124361, 124362, 124363, 124364, 124365, 124366, 124367, 124368, 124369, 124370, 124371, 124372, 124373, 124374, 124375, 124376, 124377, 124378, 124379, 124380, 124381, 124382, 124383, 124384, 124385, 124386, 124387, 124388, 124389, 124390, 124391, 124392, 124393, 124394, 124395, 124396, 124397, 124398, 124399, 124400, 124401, 124402, 124403, 124404, 124405, 124406, 124407, 124408, 124409, 124410, 124411, 124412, 124413, 124414, 124415, 124416, 124417, 124418, 124419, 124420, 124421, 124422, 124423, 124424, 124425, 124426, 124427, 124428, 124429, 124430, 124438, 124439, 124440, 124441, 124442, 124443, 124444, 124445, 124446, 124447, 124448, 124449, 124450, 124451, 124452, 124453, 124454, 124455, 124456, 124457, 124458, 124459, 124460, 124461, 124462, 124463, 124464, 124465, 124466, 124467, 124468, 124469, 124470, 124471, 124472, 124473