Node Explorer


Address9d15490bda82d357fa9fef5034da6544de7f2f9a See on POKT Explorer
Output Address
Not Applicable - This node is custodial and will output to its own address.
Public Key6d61f3a3ac9db625f1e95d3b7f80002c5770ffa1a312a3bdb82c1cdce2fe8f50
Staked Tokens15,099.700000 POKTs Staked (Initially)
76,005.848044 POKTs Staked (Currently)
Staked Height54456 (03/23/2022 19:56:34)
ChainsC006 (Solana Custom), A085 (Amoy Testnet Archival ), 0009 (Polygon), 0021 (Ethereum), 0081 (Ethereum Holešky Archive), 0074 (Polygon zkEVM), 0079 (Base), 0004 (Binance Smart Chain), 0078 (Ethereum Sepolia Archive), 0001 (Pocket), A086 (Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet Archival), A053 (Optimism Archival), 0006 (Solana), 0077 (Ethereum Sepolia), 0058 (Metis)
Unstaking TimeN/A - Not Unstaking
IP Based GeolocationUnited States
At the moment: Behind: 0 blocks
Jailed: 0 blocks
Behind Blocks 74623, 74624, 74625, 74626, 74628, 74629, 74630, 74631, 74633, 74634, 74635, 74636, 74637, 74638, 74639, 74640, 74641, 74642, 74632, 74643, 74644, 74645, 74646, 74647, 74648, 74649, 74650, 74651, 74652, 74653, 74654, 74655, 74656, 74657, 74658, 74659, 74660, 74661, 74662, 74663, 74664, 74665, 74666, 74667, 74668, 74669, 74670, 74671, 74672, 74673, 74674, 74675, 74676, 74677, 74678, 74679, 74680, 74681, 74682, 74683, 74684, 74685, 74686, 74687, 74688, 74689, 92111, 92112, 92113, 92114, 92115, 92116, 92117, 92118, 92119, 100840, 100841, 100842, 100843, 100845, 100846, 100847, 100848, 100849, 100850, 100851, 100852, 100853, 100854, 100855, 100856, 100857, 100858, 100859, 100860, 100861, 100862, 100863, 100864, 100865, 100866, 100867, 100868, 100869, 100870, 100871, 100872, 100873, 100874, 100875, 100876, 100877, 100878, 100879, 100880, 100881, 100882, 100883, 110876, 110877, 110878, 110879, 110880, 110881, 110882, 110883, 110885, 110886, 110887, 110888, 110889, 110890, 110891, 110892, 110893, 110894, 110895, 110896, 110897, 110898, 110899, 110900, 110901, 110902, 110903, 110904, 110905, 110906, 110907, 110908, 110909, 110910, 110911, 110912, 110913, 110914, 110915, 110916, 110917, 110918, 110919, 110920, 110921, 110922, 110923, 110924, 110925, 110926, 110927, 110928, 110929, 110930, 110931, 110932, 110933, 110934, 117301, 117302, 117303, 117304, 117305, 117306, 117307, 117308, 117309
Jailed Blocks 74627, 74628, 74629, 74630, 74631, 74633, 74634, 74635, 74636, 74637, 74638, 74639, 74640, 74641, 74642, 74632, 74643, 74644, 74645, 74646, 74647, 74648, 74649, 74650, 74651, 74652, 74653, 74654, 74655, 74656, 74657, 74658, 74659, 74660, 74661, 74662, 74663, 74664, 74665, 74666, 74667, 74668, 74669, 74670, 74671, 74672, 74673, 74674, 74675, 74676, 74677, 74678, 74679, 74680, 74681, 74682, 74683, 74684, 74685, 74686, 74687, 74688, 74689, 100844, 100845, 100846, 100847, 100848, 100849, 100850, 100851, 100852, 100853, 100854, 100855, 100856, 100857, 100858, 100859, 100860, 100861, 100862, 100863, 100864, 100865, 100866, 100867, 100868, 100869, 100870, 100871, 100872, 100873, 100874, 100875, 100876, 100877, 100878, 100879, 100880, 100881, 100882, 100883, 110884, 110885, 110886, 110887, 110888, 110889, 110890, 110891, 110892, 110893, 110894, 110895, 110896, 110897, 110898, 110899, 110900, 110901, 110902, 110903, 110904, 110905, 110906, 110907, 110908, 110909, 110910, 110911, 110912, 110913, 110914, 110915, 110916, 110917, 110918, 110919, 110920, 110921, 110922, 110923, 110924, 110925, 110926, 110927, 110928, 110929, 110930, 110931, 110932, 110933, 110934